Drakenstein Sakekamer

  • 7A Oranje Street
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7680
  • +27(0)84 404 8995
Nov 10 Fri
  1. Movember -NTT Volkswagen and Drakenstein Sakekamer

    Starts 2017/11/10 at 3:00 AM CAT
    Ends 2017/11/11 at 10:00 AM CAT
    Add to Your Calendar
    Added by Lorenzo Samuels
    22549644_843493259164968_5533527734614729666_n.jpg - Drakenstein Sakekamer image
    @ NTT Volkswagen Paarl
    NTT Volkswagen and Drakenstein Sakekamer invites all Small medium businesses to take part in the mini-display exhibition to promote your business and you will have the oppotunity to network. The two days will be to raise awareness about cancer in men

    Business can display (1m x 1,5m) of products/services for R1000 per stall. (bring own table, table cloth, chairs etc.)

    Place, Dates & time:

    Friday, 10 NOVEMBER, 2017 (from 15:00)
    BOOMBAS will perform
    Barbecue and salads- R80

    Place: NTT Volkswagen, o/c Hoek van Vlei en Cecilia str, Paarl

    11 NOVEMBER 2017 from 10:00 tot 17:00
    various artist will perform
    Family entertainment
    Food stalls
    Contact: Francis
    Cell: 084 404 8995
    E-mail: info@drakensteinsakekamer.co.za

    Cell: 076 446 9038
    email: etiennec@nttvw.co.za