• Cnr. N1 & Voortrekker Rd
  • De Doorns, Western Cape
  • 6875
  • +27 23 356 2041


Posted by Melanie Esterhuyse on 07 February 2020 7:50 AM CAT
Melanie Esterhuyse photo

Upcoming local events:
Girls Rock! Music under the stars
  DTV: 08 Feb. 2020 | 18:00 | Volmoed Farm.
  Cost: R50pp
  Bring your own chairs and picnic basket.
  Bookings: +27 82 532 0202

The Revival - A tribute to Smokie
  DTV: 21 Feb. 2020 | 19:00 | Hexvallei Ledesaal.
  Cost: R100pp
  Bookings: +27 83 506 7525 | johan@hexclub.co.za | 

•  Mini-Krieketdag
   DTV: 22 Feb. 2020 | 08:00 | HS Hexvallei, DE DOORNS
   Tractor rides, cooldrinks, food and loads of fun!
   Entry Fee: R10/ vehicle + R5/person

3-Kamp Kompetisie
  DTV: 14 Mar. 2020 | Werda Estate, HEXRIVIER.
  Entry Fees: R60/individual | R80/team
  Contact:  Judi (+27 76 650 6323, judi@asvfarms.co.za
                 Monica (+27 72 380 4850)

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Anglo Boer War - 120th Anniversary

Posted by Melanie Esterhuyse on 11 October 2019 5:15 AM CAT
Melanie Esterhuyse photo
Today, 120 years ago, the AGLO BOER WAR started. Although not seiged under fire, De Doorns also played a crucial roll in it.
"This very vulnerable loop of rail line between De Doorns and Matroosberg stations, was defended during the Anglo-Boer War by members of the West Yorkshire and Gloucestershire regiments and they have left copious evidence of their stay, including many drystone fortifications and personal graffiti. In the upper reaches of the line is a memorial to the Kaffrarian Rifles, who lost ten NCOs and privates killed and 103 seriously injured when a train carrying them from the Eastern Cape to Cape Town en route to fight the Germans in South West Africa derailed on a bend on 11 September 1914." - Richard Tomlinson, SA Military History Society.
A monument was erected here. If you wish to visit any of these sites, book a guided tour with anyone of our local guides.
For more details, contact: +27(0) 73 238 2026 | info@hexrivervalley.co.za
#onthisday #Boer #War #DeDoorns #Hexriverpassrailwayline #kaffrarianriflemonument #guidedheritagetours #Hexrivervalley 

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