1692 De Kleijne Bos Country House

  • Kleinbosch Road
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7620
  • +021 868 0883

De Kleijne Bos offers guests Luxury Rooms, mountain views, a pool, BBQ area and patio.

Who are we?

The original De Kleijne Bos Country House offers 8 well equipped rooms including, 6 luxury double rooms, 1 luxury twin room and 1 standard room which are all designed with comfort in mind. All en-suite rooms are individually appointed and have comfortable lush duvets with embroided percale cotton linen.

Front Entrance

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August 28

Siyanda Edwana @1692 De Kleijne Bos Country House added a review: great

5 years ago • 1 comment

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Heinrich Muller @1692 De Kleijne Bos Country House in reply to Siyanda Edwana: Thank you, much appreciated!

5 years ago

May 24

Heinrich Muller @1692 De Kleijne Bos Country House added a promotion Seasonal Promotion

Heinrich Muller @1692 De Kleijne Bos Country House shared a video: De Kleijne Bos Country House - Paarl / Wellington Accommodation

7 years ago

Heinrich Muller @1692 De Kleijne Bos Country House posted the photos: mobileappsimg, Just Judy (160), Just Judy (10), Just Judy (1) - Copy, Just Judy (41), Just Judy (49) - Copy, Just Judy (24) - Copy, Just Judy (34) - Copy, Just Judy (129) - Copy, Just Judy (135) - Copy, Just Judy (127), Just Judy (128) - Copy, Just Judy (153), Just Judy (157), Just Judy (139), Just Judy (150), Just Judy (77), Just Judy (56), Just Judy (72) - Copy, Just Judy (108) - Copy, Just Judy (122) (1692 De Kleijne Bos Country House)

7 years ago

Heinrich Muller @1692 De Kleijne Bos Country House published Seasonal Promotion

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Heinrich Muller @1692 De Kleijne Bos Country House contributed to the wiki Profile Spotlight

7 years ago

February 14

Lorenzo Samuels @1692 De Kleijne Bos Country House posted the photos: Just Judy (1), DSC04542, Just Judy (10), Just Judy (111) (1692 De Kleijne Bos Country House)

8 years ago

Business Information

  • Owner: Buddy Smit
  • Year Established: 2013.
  • Restaurant: Daily Breakfast

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  1. 1692 De Kleijne Bos Country House photo
    Siyanda Edwana

Kleinbosch Road
Paarl Western Cape 7620
+021 868 0883