Dave's Tours & Transfers

Cellar Tours
  • 58 Victoria Street
  • Robertson, Western Cape
  • 6705
  • +0829907955

Who are we?

Dave's Tours offers professional tourist guiding services for the discerning visitor to the Robertson and Breede River Valley area. It is an owner-operated enterprise and is managed by a qualified Tourist Guide (Dave Smith) who is registered with the South African Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. Dave is licensed to conduct tours in the greater Cape Town area, Wine lands, Overberg, Breede River Valley, Garden Route (up to Port Elizabeth), Karoo and West Coast. Specialities include Photography, Wine Tours, History, Art and culture. Dave is also an active role player in the community and offers personal and group training to budding entrepreneurs.

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Business Information

  • Owner: David Smith
  • Year Established: 2,004

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58 Victoria Street
Robertson Western Cape 6705