Klipheuwel Farm Venue

Weddings & Parties & Special Occasions
  • Klipheuwel Farm
  • De Doorns, Western Cape
  • 6875
  • +27(0) 82 821 4600

Who are we?

Klipheuwel Farm in situated north eastern of De Doorns in the Hex River Valley, Western Cape. The farm is surrounded by the majestic Hex River Mountains and always beautiful vineyards. Klipheuwel is a working table grape farm. Two private studio cottages are situated close to the main guest house. Each cottage has its own bathroom and kitchenette. There is a braai (barbeque) area and garden which are available to our guests. The main guest house is a self catering farmstay, has 4 bedrooms and can accommodate a maximum of 8 visitors.

Recent Activity

June 06

Melanie Esterhuyse @Klipheuwel Farm Venue posted the photos: 48355054_362106117898252_2186005957002133504_o, 48371723_362106121231585_140548389535219712_o (AltydLig Venue)

5 years ago

June 05

Melanie Esterhuyse @AltydLig Venue posted the photos: 25498239_148432259265640_1196911313820270929_n (2), DSC_0296, 25591913_148432262598973_6832821955981658712_n (2), 33619938_227417401367125_5782861481934585856_n, 25498067_148432175932315_1995786516132082000_n, The cottage Klipheuwel 1, 25550421_148432182598981_2300786915517682845_n (2), The Cottage Klipheuwel 2, Klipheuwel dam with snowy mountans, The Cottage at Klipheuwel 3 (AltydLig Venue)

5 years ago

Business Information

  • Owner: Mara le Roux
  • Year Established: 2017

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Klipheuwel Farm
De Doorns Western Cape 6875
+27(0) 82 821 4600