Amani Wines

Food & Dining
  • Polkadraai Road M12, Stellenbosch Arterial Road
  • Stellenbosch, South Africa
  • +27 (0) 21 881 3930

Who are we?

Amani - Swahili for a “place of peace”. The magnificent views from Table Bay in the East; Cape Point, False Bay, Hangklip in the South, and Eastward through the Helderberg, Stellenbosch and Simonsberg mountains, pale only when compared to our wines! Our dedication to sustainability has placed Amani as a perennial member of Enviro-wines since its inception and places us ahead of some Organic Farms in overall sustainability. Our commitment to sustainability also extends to our concern for our people and our membership in WIETA should be completed within the next six months. We are proud of our efforts to truly do our part in making South Africa a Rainbow Nation!


Recent Activity

January 24

Elmarie Rabe @Amani Wines posted the photos: amani wine, Amani winter vineyards, Amani cellar, amani logo, Amani barrel (Amani)

1 decade ago

December 14

Janice Scheckter @Amani contributed to the wiki Profile Message

1 decade ago

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M12, Stellenbosch Arterial Road
Stellenbosch South Africa
+27 (0) 21 881 3930