Apple Tree Guesthouse

  • 6 Paul Kruger Street, Dennesig
  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • 7600
  • +079 658 8234

Who are we?

Centrally situated in Stellenbosch near Cape Town, you will find the contemporary Apple Tree Guest House. Luxury accommodation designed with the local Mediterranean climate in mind, making it a welcome and refreshing bed and breakfast destination. The purpose-built 8 bedroom guest house is only 10 minutes walk to Stellenbosch town centre, the University and the many bistros and restaurants in the area. Noeline and Michael are well known in the restaurant and hospitality industry, having owned and worked in the industry over the past 20 years. They know exactly what is required after a full day's travel, be it as a tourist or business person.

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6 Paul Kruger Street, Dennesig
Stellenbosch Western Cape 7600
+079 658 8234