ATKV Goudini Spa

  • P.O. Box 47, Rawsonville 6845
  • Rawsonville, Western Cape
  • 6845
  • +023 349 8100

Who are we?

ATKV-Goudini Spa. Approximately an hour’s drive from Cape Town on Route 62, the largest and most diverse wine route in the world, ATKV Goudini Spa lures you with its bubbling fun in the mountains of the Boland. Here you can indulge in the enjoyment offered by this resort in the Breede River Valley – a true paradise for those infatuated with the outdoors. The resort boasts numerous fun activities and different accommodation to suit all needs and excellent conference and wedding facilities.Come and experience our natural hot spring water in any of our outdoor and indoor pools.

Recent Activity

November 15

Ranaldo Van Rooy @ATKV Goudini Spa scheduled Senior Citizens Tour

8 years ago

August 05

Ranaldo Van Rooy @ATKV Goudini Spa posted the photos: ATKV_Goudini Spa_047_WSW0687, 0147GarickvanStaden_GoudidniSPaATKV, ATKV_Goudini Spa_011_WSW0576 (Places)

9 years ago

Ranaldo Van Rooy @ATKV Goudini Spa posted the photos: DSCN1689, DSCN1831 (People)

9 years ago

Ranaldo Van Rooy @ATKV Goudini Spa shared a file: GO_tariewe2016_Eng_standard

9 years ago

Ranaldo Van Rooy @ATKV Goudini Spa posted the photos: 0569GarickvanStaden_GoudidniSPaATKV-HDR, ATKV_Goudini Spa_271_WSW0074, ATKV_Goudini Spa_235_WSW0048 (Things)

9 years ago

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P.O. Box 47, Rawsonville 6845
Rawsonville Western Cape 6845
+023 349 8100