ATKV Goudini Spa

  • Slanghoekweg
  • Rawsonville, Western Cape
  • 6845
  • +023 34 98100

Who are we?

Tucked away in amongst picturesque mountains in the verdant Breedekloof valley lies Goudini Spa, one of the most sought after holiday and conference destinations in the Western Cape. Lovers of the unspoilt outdoors will be delighted to discover this oasis of clean air, wide open skies, rolling vineyards and majestic mountains. As its name suggests, Goudini Spa is built around one of the hottest springs in Southern Africa, which feeds warm natural spring water to the Resort’s swimming pools; water temperatures vary from 27.1 degrees to 39 degrees celcius. Guests will find that spending time in the warm spring water is both therapeutic and energising. There are a wide variety of other leisure facilities around the Resort, including a hiking trail, tennis courts, trampolines, jacuzzis, pool tables, video games, putt putt course, volley ball and a supertube. Children and adults alike will be kept enthralled throughout their stay, and will return home with a wealth of happy memories.

Recent Activity

January 23

Lize van Nieuwenhuizen @ATKV Goudini Spa posted the photos: Goudini spa 6, Goudini spa 7, Goudini Spa 4, Goudini Spa 5, Goudini spa 8, Goudini spa 9, Goudini Spa 1, Goudini Spa 2, Goudini spa 3 (Places)

8 years ago

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Rawsonville Western Cape 6845
+023 34 98100