Avontuur Estate

  • Strand Road R44 Somerset Wes
  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • +27 (0)21 855 3450

Who are we?

Avontuur Estate and Thoroughbred farm is known for its fine wine and fast horses, and offers visitors an unparalleled view over green paddocks, vineyards and the Helderberg towards False Bay. Specialist products include pot-stilled 10 yr old brandy, Cabernet Franc, MCC Brut and Dominion Royale Shiraz Reserve.


Recent Activity

June 28

Mbali Buthelezi @Avontuur Estate posted a photo: Avontuur 2 (Something Interesting)

8 years ago

Mbali Buthelezi @Avontuur Estate posted a photo: Avontuur (Something Interesting)

8 years ago

September 30

Community Manager @Avontuur Estate scheduled Free Live Music Evening at Avontuur

10 years ago

September 05

Community Manager @Avontuur Estate scheduled Avontuur Free Music Evening with SA Idols Winner

1 decade ago

February 10

Cobie Van Oort @Avontuur Estate contributed to the wiki Profile Spotlight

1 decade ago

November 21

Jessie Lewis @Avontuur contributed to the wiki Profile Message

1 decade ago

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R44 Somerset Wes
Stellenbosch Western Cape
+27 (0)21 855 3450