Ayama Wines

  • Ayama – Slent Farms Suite 106 – Private Bag X 3041
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7620
  • +27(0)21 869 8313

Who are we?

First settled in 1685 by Martin Pouisson, a French Hugenot refugee from religious persecution, the title deeds were granted in 1707. Pouisson named the farm “Slent”. The meaning of the name is unknown, but we think that it is possibly an old form of “slant” or “aslant” , as the farm lies on the lower slopes of Perdeberg Mountain (Horse mountain, so named for the large herds of zebra that once roamed its hillsides and valleys). Once a much larger property, subdivisions for younger sons or daughters’ dowries have reduced the farm’s size to 170 hectares (420 acres).

Recent Activity

February 15

Lorenzo Samuels @Ayama Wines posted the photos: Ayama, Ayama 2, Ayama 3 (Ayama Wines)

8 years ago

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Ayama – Slent Farms Suite 106 – Private Bag X 3041
Paarl Western Cape 7620
+27(0)21 869 8313