Babel Restaurant at Babylonstoren

Food & Dining
  • Babylonstoren Farm, Klapmuts-Simondium Road, R45
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7646
  • +27(0)21 863 3852

Who are we?

Housed in an old cow shed, Babel is a wonderful mix of Cape Dutch architecture with contemporary glass walls that makes for a simple yet edgy environment in which to try our tasty yet often unconventional combinations. We have a farm-to-fork philosophy, which means we like to serve food that is seasonal and that reflects our "pick, clean and serve" approach. Because our menu is guided by what is available in the garden, our food always reflects the season, and so in summer we may serve you a yellow salad of pineapple, gooseberries, granadillas, yellow tomatoes and apricots while in winter a slow-cooked leg of lamb in red wine is more likely. Dessert subscribes to four flavours, namely salty, bitter, sweet and sour. And while our meals are creative, we don't like to tamper unduly with our food. Our meals are always clear in structure, so that fruit and vegetables gathered daily from the garden is often served with its skin on.

Recent Activity

October 08

Wilandre Johnson @Babel Restaurant at Babylonstoren posted the photos: 1.Babel, 8. Babel chefs in the kitchen garden, 3, 3.Babel at sunset, Simonsberg as backdrop, 5. Lunch at Babel, 4.Babel at noon, 2.Ceramic Bull observing daily menu (Babel Restaurant at Babylonstoren)

4 years ago

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Babylonstoren Farm, Klapmuts-Simondium Road, R45
Paarl Western Cape 7646
+27(0)21 863 3852