Babylonstoren Farm Shop

Business Services
  • Babylonstoren, Klapmuts Simondium Road,
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7670
  • +27218633852

Who are we?

In the same 18th-century building that originally housed the blacksmith, stables and wagon house, visitors will find Babylonstoren’s Farm Shop, offering a treat for the senses. Cookbooks, ceramics, candles, soap, hats, linen and other exclusive homeware are on offer, as well as preserves, jams, wine and freshly pressed fruit and vegetable juices from the on-site Juicery.

Recent Activity

August 12

Wilandre Johnson @Babylonstoren Farm Shop posted the photos: 5. Beautiful display of new shop products, 200707_BT_FarmShop-077, 200707_BT_FarmShop-084, 200707_BT_FarmShop-065 (Farm Shop)

3 years ago

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