Babylonstoren - Spa

Beauty & Fitness
  • Babylonstoren Farm, Klapmuts/Simondium Road
  • Simondium, Western Cape
  • 7670
  • +0218633852

Who are we?

Our guest suites echo Cape Dutch farm buildings. The style developed in the Cape Colony of the 17th and 18th century: outer walls are whitewashed and decorated with ornate gables and thatched roofs. Interiors are pleasantly cool in summer (due to thick walls) and are heated by open hearths in winter. Babylonstoren has an exceptionally well-preserved werf. It consists of a main residence, old cellar, koornhuis (where wheat and hay was stored) and row of service buildings, bell tower, ornate fowl pen and dove cote surrounded by the traditional low whitewashed walls. Some of these have been converted into guest accommodation, while a disused kraal was turned into our restaurant, Babel. Limited guest accommodation is available adjacent to the garden. We love the original architecture of the Drakenstein Valley and its sympathetic blending with landscape and climate. We also want to reflect its fine craftsmanship.

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Babylonstoren Farm, Klapmuts/Simondium Road
Simondium Western Cape 7670