Babylonstoren - Winery

  • Babylonstoren Farm, Klapmuts/Simondium Road
  • Simondium, Western Cape
  • 7670
  • +021 863 3852

What to drink at Babylonstoren?

Posted by Carmen Arendse on 15 March 2017 2:45 AM CAT
Carmen  Arendse photo

When we tried our hand at making Viognier the first time, we learned from our peers that “it takes a man on a horse to make a good Viognier!”

Viognier is known for its expressive floral aromas, as well as pear and apricot notes. If you like bolder whites, you’ll love this wine – the perfect white for the slightly cooler months ahead.

To match:  Pairs well with steaming Thai, Malay or Indian curry, creamy or fruity chicken dishes, or any other spicy meal.

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