Bakkies B&B

  • Bainskloof Road,
  • Wellington, Western Cape
  • 7655
  • 082 783 1776

Who are we?

Situated in the well-known Bainskloof Pass overlooking a dam, not only hosting several species of birdlife but also providing a spectacular mirror image of the Hawekwa Mountains. Bakkies B&B will leave any discerning guest with an experience of fulfillment and wanting to return again and again. We welcome your children and pets alike. Bakkies B&B is also the only guesthouse that has a 95% green footprint.

Recent Activity

September 09

Sune Samuels @Bakkies B&B posted the photos: 5473_Bakkies_05, 5473_Bakkies_16, 5473_Bakkies_06 (Something Interesting)

8 years ago

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Bainskloof Road,
Wellington Western Cape 7655
082 783 1776