Banhoek Conservancy

Sports & Recreation
  • Old Bethlehem Road, School Street, Kylemore
  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • 7600
  • +083 325 5840

Who are we?

Founded in 2013 and registered in 2015, the Banhoek Conservancy was established by a group of farmers in an attempt to protect the environment, to uplift the community and to re-establish a balance between human activities and nature.

Recent Activity

September 19

Lavinia Goshai @Banhoek Conservancy contributed to the wiki Profile Spotlight

8 years ago

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Your Day Pass to Banhoek ConservancyIMG-20160913-00252.jpg

Old Bethlehem Road, School Street, Kylemore
Stellenbosch Western Cape 7600
+083 325 5840