Bartinney Private Cellar

  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • +27 (0)21 885 1013

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Who are we?

This boutique family-run wine estate is focused on crafted wines of excellence. The vineyard has small pockets of unique terroir that blends into exceptional Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon.

Bartinney was formally established in 1920 by a Harrods director who decided to spend the rest of his life in what he described as the most beautiful valley on earth. The 1923 Manor House uniquely blends English Tudor and Cape Dutch styles and features a sixteenth century Elizabethan carved beam of black oak, an Elizabethan wrought-iron fireback dated 1653, as well as Spanish leatherwork and Delft tiles originating from the Cape Castle. In 1954 the property was acquired by Dr Michael Jordaan and the current generation is the fourth to farm the property.

Recent Activity

August 25

Doreen Carolissen @Bartinney Private Cellar contributed to the wiki Profile Overview

7 years ago

July 03

Lavinia Goshai @Bartinney Private Cellar published Drink Red, Don't Think Red

7 years ago

June 19

May 24

Lavinia Goshai @Bartinney Private Cellar scheduled Under the Roof at Bartinney

7 years ago

May 08

Lavinia Goshai @Bartinney Private Cellar scheduled Bartinney 2 Bartinney Trail Run

7 years ago

March 10

Lavinia Goshai @Bartinney Private Cellar posted the photos: 12299140_10153853071609558_4065537080889585533_n, 12993599_10154205070619558_8478513574831900944_n, 14600876_10154744595949558_5298665566756725174_n, team, 13015242_10154205070569558_3421482598319837609_n (Bartinney)

7 years ago

August 31

Lavinia Goshai @Bartinney Private Cellar posted the photos: 13240119_10154290765139558_5236020708643162434_n, 13100769_10154247615959558_1934010835135779674_n (Bartinney)

8 years ago

Lavinia Goshai @Bartinney Private Cellar posted the photos: Bartinney-Wine-Farm-Estate-gallery_12, 12994458_10154197761364558_7840467741468278820_n, safe_image (Bartinney)

8 years ago

January 27

Elmarie Rabe @Bartinney Private Cellar posted the photos: bartinney wine & champ bar, Bartinney wine farm_lr, Bartinney tasting (Bartinney)

1 decade ago

October 10

Janice Scheckter @Bartinney contributed to the wiki Profile Spotlight

1 decade ago

Janice Scheckter @Bartinney contributed to the wiki Profile Message

1 decade ago

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Unmissable events- Bartinney Private Cellar
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