Beau Joubert

  • Old Polkadraai Road
  • Stellenbosch, South Africa
  • 7600
  • +27 (0)21 881 3103

Who are we?

The colourful story of our farm in the renowned Stellenbosch Wine Region of South Africa dates back to 1695 when Governor Simon van der Stel granted the land then known as Veelverjaagt, to Coenraed Visser. A century later, in 1795, the farm was bought by a French Huguenot descendant, Dirk Daniel Joubert, who divided it between his two sons. One of them retained the Veelverjaagt name while the other named his portion La Provence, to honour the birthplace of his forefathers. Five Joubert generations have since placed their unique stamp on this mountainous 80-hectare estate.

Beau Joubert_1.jpg

Recent Activity

October 31

Shanel Pillay @Beau Jobert contributed to the wiki Profile Message

1 decade ago

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Old Polkadraai Road
Stellenbosch South Africa 7600
+27 (0)21 881 3103