Bergsicht Country Cottages

  • Winterhoek Road
  • Tulbagh, Western Cape
  • 6820
  • +27 79 4352124

Who are we?

Bergsicht Country Farm Cottages is located on a working farm 7km outside Tulbagh, just 120 km from Cape Town. This hidden gem offers something for the whole family. Whether it be for a sleep-over when attending a wedding, or for coming to explore the beautiful valley with all its activities, a stay-over at one of Bergsicht Country Cottages will renew you and your loved ones. Accommodation is available in 4 self-catering cottages with beautiful views of the surrounding mountains and farmland. Sunburst Cottage can accommodate up to 6 people. Ruby Star can accommodate 4 people, African Delight accommodates 3 people and Lady Red is a private romantic cottage for 2 people. We also have self-catering accommodation available in the town, please search for Bergsicht Country Town Cottages.

Recent Activity

May 16

Aneretha Hauphtfleisch @Bergsicht Town & Farm Cottages posted the photos: 8. Bergsicht-African Delight en suite romantic bathroom, 7. Bergsicht-African Delight Main Bedroom upstairs, bergsicht-0883-low-res, bergsicht-0779-low-res, 6. Bergsicht-African Delight Entrance and Braai facilities (African Delight Farm Cottage)

5 years ago

Aneretha Hauphtfleisch @Bergsicht Town & Farm Cottages posted the photos: 6. Bergsicht - Ruby Star, 5. Bergsichtb- Ruby Star, 7. Bergsicht - Ruby Star, 4. Bergsicht - Ruby Star (Ruby Star farm cottage)

5 years ago

Aneretha Hauphtfleisch @Bergsicht Town & Farm Cottages posted the photos: 2.4 Ruby Star, 2.3 Ruby Star, 2.1 Ruby Star (Ruby Star farm cottage)

5 years ago

Aneretha Hauphtfleisch @Bergsicht Town & Farm Cottages posted the photos: bergsicht-1209-low-res, 2. Bergsicht-Sunburst House, 1. Bergsicht-Sunburst House (Farm Cottages)

5 years ago

Business Information

  • Owner: Aneretha Hauptfleisch
  • Year Established: 2013
  • Awards: Voted for Excellence and Best Value Establishment by Afristay. Rated Excellent by

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Winterhoek Road
Tulbagh Western Cape 6820
+27 79 4352124