Blacksmith's Kitchen

Food & Dining
  • Pearl Mountain Wines, Bo Lang Street, Northern Paarl
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7623
  • +27(0)21 870 1550

Who are we?

Blacksmith’s Kitchen is a cosy, family-owned, bistro-style restaurant situated in the old blacksmith’s cottages on Pearl Mountain. Enjoy panoramic views of the Berg River Valley while relaxing under the old oak trees with a glass of Pearl Mountain or other locally sourced wine. The restaurant has an eclectic Mediterranean-inspired menu for small and large appetites, and also serves wood-fired pizzas. The farm also has a garden and veggie patch for guests to explore.

Recent Activity

February 16

Lorenzo Samuels @Blacksmith's Kitchen posted the photos: IMG_0421 copy, IMG_0641 copy, IMG_0423 copy (Blacksmith's Kitchen)

8 years ago

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Pearl Mountain Wines, Bo Lang Street, Northern Paarl
Paarl Western Cape 7623
+27(0)21 870 1550