Bonfoi Estate

  • Stellenboschkloof Road,
  • Vlottenburg, South Africa
  • 7604
  • 27 (0)21 881-3774

Who are we?

Bonfoi is a family-owned boutique wine estate with a history dating back to 1699. The name Bonfoi (Good Faith) originates from the early eighteenth century when two French ladies owned the farm..Johannes van der Westhuizen the owner and winemaker uses his viniculture and viticulture knowledge and skills to integrate the exceptional high quality grapes with the fine winemaking facilities to ensure superior quality wines. Some of the prestigious wines are only available from the newly renovated tasting facility in the old (1820) cellar building


Recent Activity

December 14

Janice Scheckter @Bonfoi Estate contributed to the wiki Profile Message

1 decade ago

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