Bontebok Ridge Reserve

  • Farm 162 Kruishof Road, Agtergroenberg
  • Wellington, Western Cape
  • 7655
  • 825769657

Who are we?

Experience a game drive through unique fynbos and enjoy exclusive personalized attention. In the heart of the Cape Winelands where one seldom finds such serenity and calm space lies Bontebok Ridge Reserve, Wellington. This is part of the Renosterveld Conservancy in the Limietberg Valley. Genuinely only one hour´s drive from Cape Town (90km), we offer a rare opportunity to appreciate some of South Africa’s wildlife in their natural habitat- bontebok, found exclusively in the Cape, mingle with eland, wildebeest, springbuck, duiker, grysbuck, grey rhebuck, and other indigenous species. The majestic mountains add to the rugged appeal of the area. Great photographic opportunities.

Recent Activity

May 05

Sune Samuels @Bontebok Ridge Reserve posted the photos: P1010208, bont1, bb3, bb2, 9Jun2010 (25) (Places)

7 years ago

September 13

Sune Samuels @Bontebok Ridge Reserve posted the photos: 5477_bontebok_ridge_08, 5477_bontebok_ridge_05, 5477_Bontebok_Outside_02, 5477_Bontebok_Outside (Places)

8 years ago

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