Botanical Garden (Stellenbosch University)

  • Corner of Neethling & Van Riebeeck Street
  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • 7600
  • +021 808 3054

Stellenbosch Botanical Garden

Posted by Lorenzo Samuels on 15 August 2019 3:35 AM CAT
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This compact garden enables one to view, within the span of one hour, an enormous variety of plants from across the globe.

Exotic foreign plants share the garden with indigenous varieties in a tranquil atmosphere.  It is one of 1800 botanical gardens world wide and the oldest university garden in South Africa.   Dr Herre was appointed as curator in 1925 and assisted by the horticulturist Mr H Meyer, they laid the foundation for the present garden.

The garden covers almost 4ha and plants that can be viewed are aquatic plants from the Amazon, tropical orchids, insectivorous plants from Borneo, Puya plants from Chile, Mexican cacti, members of the Proteaceae family as well as Welwitschia from the Namib desert, mesembs, euphorbias and stapeliads from the Karoo and Namaqualand, economic plants, herbs and many others.  Because of spatial restrictions the garden concentrates on dwarf plants such as succulents, indigenous dwarf shrubs and pot plants.

The garden also boasts an excellent bonsai-collection, the Western Cape Heritage Collection and consists mainly of trees bequeathed by Betty Lucas, ds Gerjo van der Merwe and Mr Louis Nel.

Apart from the flora, the garden offers tasty light meals, indoors or outside, at the Katjiepiering Restaurant, and a delightfully stocked gift shop filled with books, tea's, cosmetic plant based products, all organic and environmentally friendly. 

No entry fee charged.  Opening hours from 08:00-17:00 seven days a week.

The Botanical Garden web page address:

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Stellenbosch Botanical Garden
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