Botanical Garden (Stellenbosch University)

  • Corner of Neethling & Van Riebeeck Street
  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • 7600
  • +021 808 3054

Who are we?

The Botanical Garden is located in the historical center of Stellenbosch and is the oldest university botanical garden in South Africa. This compact Garden houses an enormous diversity of plants, both indigenous to South Africa and exotic. The Botanical Garden is located in the historical centre of Stellenbosch and is the oldest university botanical garden in South Africa. This compact Garden houses more than 2300 plants species, both indigenous to South Africa and exotic. The Garden, the Katjiepiering Restaurant and the shop, is open seven days a week from 08:00 -17:00. Entrance is free.

Recent Activity

September 11

Jenna Moses @Botanical Garden (Stellenbosch University) posted a photo: Third stop of the day with Cape Winelands tourism app tour. The beautiful Stellenbosch gardens. (Places)

5 years ago

Mark Greeff @Botanical Garden (Stellenbosch University): Waiting to see Trudy’s pics come through ....

5 years ago

Mark Greeff @Botanical Garden (Stellenbosch University): Been there done it. Group 2

5 years ago

September 10

Clem Indigo @Botanical Garden (Stellenbosch University) posted a photo: Quick bite before heading back into the garden! (Things)

5 years ago

August 15

Lorenzo Samuels @Botanical Garden (US) published Stellenbosch Botanical Garden

5 years ago

Lorenzo Samuels @Botanical Garden (US) posted the photos: Stellenbosch-Botanical-Garden-Stellenbosch360(8), Stellenbosch-Botanical-Garden-Stellenbosch360(7), Stellenbosch-Botanical-Garden-Stellenbosch360(5), Stellenbosch-Botanical-Garden-Stellenbosch360(6) (Something Interesting)

5 years ago

August 07

Lorenzo Samuels @Botanical Garden (US) posted the photos: Stellenbosch-Botanical-Garden-Stellenbosch360, Stellenbosch-Botanical-Garden-Stellenbosch360(4), Stellenbosch-Botanical-Garden-Stellenbosch360 (3), Stellenbosch-Botanical-Garden-Stellenbosch360(2) (Something Interesting)

5 years ago

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Stellenbosch Botanical Garden
This compact garden enables one to view, within the span of one hour, an enormous variety of plants...
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Corner of Neethling & Van Riebeeck Street
Stellenbosch Western Cape 7600
+021 808 3054