Bread and Butter Patiserrie

Food & Dining
  • 44 Main Street
  • Paarl , Western Cape
  • 7646
  • +27(0)21 863 0672

Who are we?

It all started when Eileen Cross came to the realisation that one just does not find good old-fashioned home-baked goodies made with REAL ingredients anymore. You know, the way Grandma used to make them. Yes, in HER kitchen you would find nothing less, but to create a kitchen where the ‘impoverished palate’ could come and find freshly baked breads, cakes, tarts and treats on a daily basis; this became her dream.

Recent Activity

February 17

Lorenzo Samuels @Bread and Butter Patiserrie posted the photos: 10801759_487969108034448_4745310169757411903_n, IMG_20160223_102405, IMG_20151014_112127 (Bread & Butter)

8 years ago

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