Breytenbach Centre

  • 14 Burger Street
  • Wellington, Western Cape
  • 7655
  • +021 8732786

Who are we?

The Breytenbach Centre is a multidisciplinary cultural centre for training in and interaction with visual arts, music and the art of writing. It is a unique place to participate in conversations, ideas, training and workshops and to experience art, music and drama. Built some 150 years ago, the Breytenbach Centre is a cultural-history heritage situated in Wellington in the Western Cape. It is the former home of internationally acclaimed poet Breyten Breytenbach and his siblings, whose parents used it as a boarding house in the fifties. After the Breytenbach family sold the house in 1974, it deteriorated to such an extent that the Drakenstein Municipality considered demolishing it. However, in the nineties a group of enthusiastic art lovers bought the house from the Municipality and, with the support of the Breytenbach family, embarked on the lengthy process of developing the building into an arts and cultural centre.

Recent Activity

August 05

Sunè Samuels @Breytenbach Centre posted the photos: 10865_IMG_1871, 10865_BSentrum, 10865_BSboekwinkel, 10865_Photo-2016-07-24-10-45-58-AM, 10865_IMG_6103, 10865_IMG_2112, 10865_Breyten4 (Places)

4 years ago

July 25

Sunè Samuels @Breytenbach Centre scheduled Tuin Van Digters

6 years ago

June 05

Sunè Samuels @Breytenbach Centre scheduled Mike & The Harmonix’ Abba Show

6 years ago

Sunè Samuels @Breytenbach Centre scheduled Her Blues Goes Acoustic

6 years ago

May 28

May 22

Sunè Samuels @Breytenbach Centre scheduled André Swiegers

6 years ago

January 05

Sunè Samuels @Breytenbach Centre scheduled ELVIS BLUE

7 years ago

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14 Burger Street
Wellington Western Cape 7655
+021 8732786