Buffet Olives

  • Off Swawelstert Road, Klein Drakenstein
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7646
  • +27(0)21 868 3120

Who are we?

Nestling against the foothills of the Drakenstein Mountain range and bordering the picturesque village of Paarl, in the fertile Western Cape, South Africa, lies a unique olive growing estate – Buffet Olives, where some of the world’s finest olives are grown and processed. The mineral rich soil and Mediterranean climate of the region create ideal conditions to grow top quality olives. Hand-picked fresh from the trees, the olives are washed and graded before entering a curing process.

Recent Activity

February 17

Lorenzo Samuels @Buffet Olives posted the photos: 1, img0011, img0000 (Buffet Olives)

8 years ago

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Off Swawelstert Road, Klein Drakenstein
Paarl Western Cape 7646
+27(0)21 868 3120