Cafe Rosa

Food & Dining
  • 7 Voortrekker Street
  • Robertson, Western Cape
  • 6705
  • +023 626 5403

Who are we?

This well established, licensed restaurant is THE place to come to for the finest, freshest cuisine as well as it being one of the nicest, most social, gathering places in Robertson. All this in a welcoming garden environment were one can sit outdoors under umbrellas, in the sunshine, listen to the bird life, enjoying the nature and flora of the garden centre it adjoin's. Simply sit and enjoy a glass of wine on the Cafe Rosa wine deck. Seating for approx 130 patrons. Catering for all needs, tour groups, private parties, special promotions. Open from 08h00 until 17h00 for breakfasts, lunches, tea's - the best pizza's this side of the Breede River Valley. Located on the main thoroughfare through town on the famous Route 62.

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