Caledon Villa Guesthouse

  • 7 Neethling Street
  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • 7600
  • +27(0)21 883 8912

Who are we?

In the centre but located in a quiet side street midway between the botanical garden and the river lies Caledon Villa guest house. This magnificent villa was built in 1910 and is registered as a National Monument. It has been operating as a guest house for 25 years and offers 15 rooms each with its own name, design and character. There is a smooth blend between culture and modern facilities. The spacious pool area is surrounded by a variety of special indigenous garden elements which the visitor could share with the birds and the squirrels. You could hardly believe you are so close to the town centre itself!

Recent Activity

February 14

Lorenzo Samuels @Caledon Villa Guesthouse posted the photos: Breakfast, Front Succulent Rock Garden, Roof Garden (Caledon Villa Guesthouse)

8 years ago

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7 Neethling Street
Stellenbosch Western Cape 7600
+27(0)21 883 8912