Cape Agri Tours - Guide

  • 5 Kiewiet Road
  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • 7600
  • +021 887 4257

Who are we?

Cape AgriTours with a wealth of experience and a bottomless pit of ideas for your special tour to Southern Africa - whether a technical, agricultural or scientific tour or your dream holiday or sports trip. Our services are highly recommended. In order to control costs, our permanent staff is small, while specialists in various fields are used as project managers to ensure high quality and professional tours and events. This network of specialised contacts in all fields of agriculture and science, and throughout South Africa, ensures that the client is always put into direct contact with the best people within their specific field of interest. For all our tours, we use only THETA registered tourist guides or tour directors with special knowledge or language capabilities.

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5 Kiewiet Road
Stellenbosch Western Cape 7600
+021 887 4257