Cattle Baron Grill & Bistro

Food & Dining
  • Pontac Manor Estate, 16 Zion Street
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7646
  • +27(0)21 872 5577

Who are we?

The Cattle Baron in Paarl is a company owned store. It is a modern streamlined, more efficient operation than it’s previous predecessor. The store is currently owned by Ronnie Dick, the CEO of the CATTLE BARON FRANCHISE COMPANY and partner Franco Adams. Franco has been with the Cattle Baron for 13 years.

Recent Activity

February 17

Lorenzo Samuels @Cattle Baron Grill & Bistro posted the photos: Open on Sundays - Cattle Baron 2, IMG_1493, 4 (Cattle Baron Paarl)

8 years ago

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Pontac Manor Estate, 16 Zion Street
Paarl Western Cape 7646
+27(0)21 872 5577