Happy World Tourism Day:
Posted by Shirley Wagener on 27 September 2021 3:40 PM CAT
Ceres Tourism would like to encourage everyone to celebrate World Tourism Day on 27 September, by being a tourist in their own town or area.
The purpose of World Tourism Day is also to create awareness on the importance of tourism and its social, cultural, political and economic value.
Start exploring your town through the eyes of a tourist and jump into the fun with a zip slide at
Ceres Zipline Adventures and then grab something to eat or spoil your family with a gift at
Meat olive deli.
Take them back in time at the
Togryers Museum or enjoy a horse and carriage ride at
Op - Die -Berg Horse and Carriage Rides as a fun way to end of the day.
Take that bike ride or hike you've been talking about for ages at one of our hiking trails like the The Christie Prince Hiking trail or
Waverley Hills walk.
So much adventure awaits