Clints Chauffeur Drive Tours (Taxi & Shuttles)

  • 38 Kahler Street, Idas Valley
  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • 7600
  • +079 726 7887

Who are we?

Clint is proud to announce that the Idas Valley community tour was initiated by him in 2011. The various communities welcomes visitors with open arms and are eager to share their stories of the old days. The route covers a large area and includes Art's Barber shop, Sarah's Tea Garden, Volkskerk van Afrika and Gail's traditional cuisine. We invite you to join us on this tailor made community route in Idas Valley. Clint also take visitors for a full day the Big 5 wine experience, does Airport Transfers and lots more.

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38 Kahler Street, Idas Valley
Stellenbosch Western Cape 7600
+079 726 7887