Cultivar Guest Lodge

  • Bonniemile Road
  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • 7600
  • +021 881 3081

Who are we?

Nestled between the beautiful Stellenbosch mountains and luscious vineyards, perfectly located and less than 7 km from the town centre, lies the majestic Cultivar Guest Lodge & Multi-Venue. This 12 000 square meter property with its naturally welcoming feel, endless green lawn areas, exhumes a feeling of utter relaxation and astonishment experienced by all visitors to the property. The unique building style and design of the main house, outside wings and balcony is in perfect harmony with the surrounding backdrop of greenery and mountains around. Cultivar consists of 11 uniquely & individually decorated rooms that have all their own look and feel, still keeping in perfect harmony with the ambiance of this great property.

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Bonniemile Road
Stellenbosch Western Cape 7600
+021 881 3081