Cure Day Clinic

  • 10 Skool Street, Northern Paarl
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7623
  • +27(0)21 200 2309

Who are we?

Cure Day Clinics specialises in ambulatory day procedures which is also known as outpatient surgery, same-day surgery or day surgery and does not require overnight stay. Same-day surgery has grown internationally due to the improvements in medical technology and anaesthesia, leading to faster recovery times and fewer side effects.

Recent Activity

February 17

Lorenzo Samuels @Cure Day Clinic posted the photos: 36, Paarl Health - Cure Day Clinic, 67 (Cure Day Clinic)

8 years ago

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10 Skool Street, Northern Paarl
Paarl Western Cape 7623
+27(0)21 200 2309