d'Kraal Café & Bistro

Food & Dining
  • Voortrekker St,
  • De Doorns, Western Cape
  • 6875
  • +27 72 760 7021

Who are we?

d'Kraal Café & Bistro is situated on the working farm Arbeid Adelt. With an old brandy cellar and wine barrels created into a blissful venue ideal for work and play, it's a firm favorite with the locals. Whether it's a business meeting or a small intimate celebration with the mountains as a backdrop, we will gladly host you!

Recent Activity

November 19

Melanie Esterhuyse @d'Kraal Café & Bistro posted the photos: dKraal_Lana-en-Prosper, 20210327_123717 (People)

3 years ago

Melanie Esterhuyse @d'Kraal Café & Bistro posted the photos: SuperbHospitality, ViewfromtheLoft, PrivateMeetings, LocalEvent, dKraal_Interior, 20210327_121715 (Places)

3 years ago

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Voortrekker St,
De Doorns Western Cape 6875
+27 72 760 7021