De Toren Private Cellar

  • Polkadraai Road
  • Stellenbosch, South Africa
  • 7604
  • +27 (0)21 881 3119

Who are we?

DE TOREN is a boutique Private Cellar, established by Emil & Sonette Den Dulk in 1994. The site for the vineyards was selected based on the location (and the view!) with breathtaking vistas extending from Table Mountain in the West, Cape Point in the South, False Bay, Hang Klip and ends with Helderberg and Stellenbosch Mountains in the East. The farm was named DE TOREN; which translated from Dutch means “the tower”, and refers to the winery structure which allows for gravity-flow winemaking. The farm’s maiden release was the 1999 vintage “Fusion V”; a Cabernet Sauvignon driven five varietal Bordeaux style blend; a first for South Africa’s wine industry. The 1999 vintage received a gold medal from the IWSC competition and 90 points by both Parker and Wine Spectator, placing DE TOREN immediately amongst the world’s elite. Latter vintages have continued to build upon that reputation, gathering numerous accolades and featuring with regularity on the short list of wines

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Recent Activity

January 30

Mark Greeff @De Toren Private Cellar posted a photo: Trying very hard to not drink more of this beautiful wines (Events)

10 years ago

Mark Greeff @De Toren Private Cellar posted a photo: Great wines!! (Events)

10 years ago

October 23

Community Manager @De Toren Private Cellar: “Without aim and direction you are nowhere. Our wine crafting roadmap is clear and precise; our objective is to develop and redefine the Bordeaux concept and adapt it professionally, so that it is uniquely South African ...

10 years ago

December 15

Janice Scheckter @De Toren contributed to the wiki Profile Message

1 decade ago

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