De Vlei Country Inn

  • De Vlei Estate
  • De Doorns, Western Cape
  • 6875
  • +27 83 548 2017

Who are we?

De Vlei Country Inn is a beautiful old Cape Dutch homestead with surrounding cottages situated amongst table grape vineyards in the northern part of the Hex River Valley, below Matroosberg, the Western Cape’s highest peak. The manor house dates back to 1859 and was the original homestead on De Vlei Farm. Guests are accommodated in five free standing thatched bungalows with en suite bathrooms in the ample garden adjacent to the manor house. The inn also has a comfortable dining room and lounge with large windows, allowing guests to appreciate the view of the rose garden and towering mountains beyond. This is also a great place to enjoy winter evenings snuggled up in front of a roaring fire. During summer guests can laze by the pool soaking up the sun and the beautiful scenery. There is also a shaded summer house area at the pool. This is an ideal spot to make use of the barbeque as well as barbeque facilities. Children are always welcome.

Recent Activity

December 09

Siyanda Edwana @De Vlei Country Inn published Test

3 years ago

Siyanda Edwana @De Vlei Country Inn: test

3 years ago

September 03

Melanie Esterhuyse @De Vlei Country Inn posted the photos: devlei4, chalet verandah 2, devlei2, devlei3, swings in garden, swimming pool and barbaque area, Dining area, dining area close, devlei1 (De Vlei Country Inn)

6 years ago

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De Vlei Estate
De Doorns Western Cape 6875
+27 83 548 2017