De Wingerd Wijnland Lodge

  • 7 Waltham Cross Street
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7646
  • +27(0)21 863 1994

Who are we?

De Wingerd is located in a quiet residential area, offers 4 spacious and well-equipped en-suite Rooms and 1 De Luxe Orchid’s Cottage, all of which overlooking the beautiful garden and the large swimming-pool, and enjoying superb views on Grande Roche vineyards, Paarl valley, and the majestic Hottentots mountain range. De Wingerd is owned by a couple of Africa-loving Belgians who was charmed by this place at first glance, and decided to offer their guests a Lodge of high quality standards, both as comfort of the amenities is concerned, as the qualities of services offered, in particular a fabulous buffet-breakfast, served on the main terrace.

Recent Activity

February 15

Lorenzo Samuels @De Wingerd Wijnland Lodge posted the photos: 1767_5, 1767_1, 1767_8 (De Wingerd Wijnland Lodge)

8 years ago

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7 Waltham Cross Street
Paarl Western Cape 7646
+27(0)21 863 1994