
  • 30 De la Bat Road, Worcester, 6850
  • Worcester, Western Cape
  • 6850
  • 233424092

Who are we?

DeafNET Centre of Knowledge (DeafNET) is a network of knowledge and expertise in the interest of people in Africa who experience hearing loss and related communication barriers. Its main objectives are the particularising, exchange and dissemination of knowledge and expertise on issues relating to persons with hearing loss to achieve their full potential. These objectives are achieved among others by facilitating and promoting education, development, training, social services, and spiritual and mental well-being to such persons as well as the promotion of Sign Language and other preferred means of communication of persons with hearing loss, including appropriate utilisation of assistive devices.

Recent Activity

December 07

Barbara Janse van Rensburg @Deafnet posted the photos: DeafNET 1, DeafNET 5, DeafNET 4, DeafNET 3, DeafNET 2 (Places)

6 years ago

March 27

DeafNET Centre Of Knowledge @Deafnet scheduled LANGARMDANS

7 years ago

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30 De la Bat Road, Worcester, 6850
Worcester Western Cape 6850