Delaire Graff Estate

Food & Dining
  • R310, Helshoogte Pass
  • Stellenbosch, Cape Town
  • P O Box 3058
  • +27 (0)21 885 8160

Who are we?

Delaire Graff Estate has achieved what owner and globally renowned visionary Laurence Graff, Chairman of Graff Diamonds International, had in mind when he acquired this magnificent Cape Winelands property in 2003 and vowed to transform it into South Africa’s most desirable art, hospitality and wine destination. Today, with two outstanding restaurants, a state-of-the-art winery, exclusive Lodges, a destination Spa and two luxury boutiques, the transformation of this piece of paradise, nestled between majestic mountains and overlooking the vineyards of Stellenbosch, one of the world’s leading wine destinations, is now complete. Striking Cape Dutch architecture meets African artefacts and styling, with original artworks from Laurence Graff’s personal collection on display throughout, representing some of South Africa’s finest contemporary artists.

Delaire Graff Estates wine bottles.jpg

Recent Activity

October 06

Community Manager @Delaire Graff Estate: Indochine! Indochine, situated at the Delaire Graff Lodge & Spa serves Asian-inspired cuisine presented with a contemporary yet delicate twist. Only the finest ingredients are used, with menus featuring fresh organic produce grown in the greenhouse on the Estate. Flavours are lively, aromatic and robust while maintaining a style of cuisine that’s synonymous with vitality, wellness and healthy living. http://www.stellenboschwiner...

10 years ago

October 28

Shanel Pillay @Delaire Graff Estate contributed to the wiki Profile Message

1 decade ago

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R310, Helshoogte Pass
Stellenbosch Cape Town P O Box 3058
+27 (0)21 885 8160