
  • Knorhoek Road
  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • +27 (0)21 888 4600

Delheim wines.jpg

Who are we?

High up on the southwestern slopes of the Simonsberg Mountain, named after Governor Simon van der Stel, one finds the land known as Drie Sprong.It was originally home to a Dutch East India Company servant, whose job it was to fire a cannon from the peak directly above the property, appropriately named Kanonkop. This cannon was the third in a relay from Cape Town, via Koeberg, signaling the arrival of any foreign vessels in Table Bay. The Free Burghers of the surrounding areas would then hurry to Cape Town and trade with the visitors or defend the town against attack. It is at this property that the Sperling and Hoheisen families have established the strong foundations, known to people worldwide as Delheim.

The famous Delheim picnic

Delheim picnic.jpg

Recent Activity

June 28

Mbali Buthelezi @Delheim posted the photos: Delheim 4, Delheim 3, Delheim 7, Delheim 6, Delheim, Delheim 8, Delheim 2, Delheim+picnic (Something Interesting)

8 years ago

October 14

Community Manager @Delheim re-scheduled Delheim Outdoor Weekend

10 years ago

Community Manager @Delheim scheduled Delheim Outdoor Weekend

10 years ago

October 11

Janice Scheckter @Delheim contributed to the wiki Profile Overview

1 decade ago

Janice Scheckter @Delheim contributed to the wiki Profile Message

1 decade ago

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Knorhoek Road
Stellenbosch Western Cape
+27 (0)21 888 4600