d'Olyfboom Guest Suites

  • 14 Napier Street
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7646
  • +27(0)21 870 1080

Who are we?

With our beautiful view over Paarl and central location, d’Olyfboom Guest Suites make for the ideal guesthouse setting. The rooms appropriately have an old farmhouse charm with a touch of modern mystique. The rooms are spacious and stylish and promise to offer something totally unique. Ever since d’Olyfboom Family Estate opened our doors in 2010, the need for guest accommodation has been evident. We are extremely excited to announce the addition of guest suites to our premises. The rooms are equipped with TV, air-conditioning, a mini-bar and coffee station as well as Wi-Fi. The farm is geared with a back-up generator to ensure no cold showers or power outages. A scrumptious Boland-breakfast will be served every morning. The main purpose for our guest suites is to accommodate conference delegates and executives that make use of our conference and boardroom facilities. However, we also welcome travelers and tourists who would like to experience the Boland in all its splendor.

Recent Activity

April 13

Lorenzo Samuels @d'Olyfboom Guest Suites posted the photos: Resize2, Resize6, Resize4, Resize5, Resize3 (d'Olyfboom Guest Suites)

7 years ago

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14 Napier Street
Paarl Western Cape 7646
+27(0)21 870 1080