Eikendal Wintaufe 2014

  • Eikendal Vineyards R44-Strand Road
  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • +27 (0)21 855 1422

Event Information

Eikendal is set for happy times and high jinks in the vineyards when this prominent wine estate hosts its ever-popular Weintaufe Harvest Celebration with a feast of activities to delight the whole family. Attractions and activities at the not-to-be-missed Weintaufe 2014 include vineyard tractor rides and walks, cheetah viewing, craft stalls, lucky draws, golfing action at the dam,

Event Details

  1. Eikendal Wintaufe 2014 photo
    Eikendal Wintaufe 2014

    2014/03/02 3:00 AM - 10:00 AM CAT

    Eikendal Vineyards, R44-Strand Road, Stellenbosch Western Cape

Recent Activity

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R44-Strand Road
Stellenbosch Western Cape
+27 (0)21 855 1422

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