Eve Art Studio

  • 12 Louws Avenue
  • Southern Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7646
  • +27(0)82 344 3619

Who are we?

Madeleine Eve has been a creative artist for many years and been teaching art internationally in Dubai, Singapore, Vietnam and Indonesia. On her return to South Africa in 2014, she also fell in love working with clay. Ceramics has brought a new creative cutlet to her daily routine. Moving to the beautiful Paarl, Eve Art Studio was opened where Madeleine is looking forward to share her creative experiences to all. She teaches art to encourage the best in who we are and the best part of all... her classes are fun!

Recent Activity

September 11

Nathan Adams @Eve Art Studio posted a photo: Creativity at its best (Something Interesting)

5 years ago

Nathan Adams @Eve Art Studio posted a photo: Art inspires (Something Interesting)

5 years ago

August 23

Lorenzo Samuels @Eve Art Studio posted the photos: eve art3, eve art2, eve art (Something Interesting)

5 years ago

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12 Louws Avenue
Southern Paarl Western Cape 7646
+27(0)82 344 3619