Ezelsjacht Farm

  • R318
  • Touwsriver, Western Cape
  • +082 559 7565

Who are we?

Situated along the R318, a detour from Touwsrivier to Montagu, the farm Ezeljacht is situated on a plato. This area is often referred to as the ‘Agterveld’ by inhabitants. This nickname derived from the fact that due to high altitude, crops planted in this area, is ready for harvest much later than those planted and produced in the Keisie valley (also called the Koo), enroute to Montagu. Although Ezelsjacht is a working farm, it also offer numerous recreational outdoor attractions and events, accommodation and camping. When temperatures allow, this area also offer visitors the opportunity to play in the snow.

Recent Activity

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Business Information

  • Owner: Sonja Hellinger
  • Number: +082 559 7565
  • Year Established: 2020

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