Flying Feet

Business Services
  • 27 Bath Street
  • Montagu , Western Province
  • 6720
  • +076 891 3623

Who are we?

Flying Feet offers guided town tours which include historical and art tours. Flying Feet can also customize tours or rent a bike and explore Montagu on your own. Our bicycles are Dutch-style, single speed, backpedal, well loved town bikes. Nothing fancy. Just wheels and pedals. Share our triple love: Montagu, Art & Cycling. Cycling is freedom. It brings you closer to the community, to the people, the smells and sounds of Montagu. Feel the Karoo wind in your hair. Smell the braai fires. No car window. No filters. Just Montagu. Hope you are ready to surrender yourself to the magical Klein Karoo tranquility and beauty. Hop on one of our bikes and escape into Karoo hospitality, architecture, culture, art, history, muscadel and good food. So cycle around town, stop and chat to a local or go for a picnic and marvel at the Langeberge’s geological features. If you’re looking for a mall, it’s only 70km’s West. Here we specialize in peace, good food, happy people and a lot of beauty.

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Business Information

  • Owner: Marchelle
  • Number: +076 891 3623

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