Fort Simon Estate

  • Kromme Rhee Rd Bottelary Road
  • Koelenhof, Western Cape
  • +27 (0)21 906 0304

Who are we?

The art of winemaking can be compared to that of a painter who creates by using raw materials. The raw material in my case is the grapes and the finished wine my work of art. Winemaking is often seen as art, but according to me it is far more complex as science plays a major role in producing such a complex product. I was once told that wine is the most complex liquid on earth. Many wine drinkers are not aware of what goes in to producing wine. Looking towards the future I would like to keep on producing wines that are complex, flavourful and which will age well. At the same time it is important to me that the wines can be enjoyed early as the modern era is all about time and people simply do not have the luxury to wait for wines to age. I believe the success of wine making lies in keeping up with modern technology as well as learning and experimenting. This will enable me to produce what the client wants and not necessarily what I as winemaker prefer to make.

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Recent Activity

November 19

Jessie Lewis @Fort Simon contributed to the wiki Profile Message

1 decade ago

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Bottelary Road
Koelenhof Western Cape
+27 (0)21 906 0304