Foundation Stones Guesthouse

  • 69 Main Road
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7646
  • +27(0)62 363 3236

Who are we?

Foundation Stones Paarl are 1 of 3 Branches. Two are in the North West Province, Mahikeng & Potchefstroom. It has nine rooms, all fitted with DSTV, coffee & tea facilities. Six units fitted with a small kitchenette as well as sleeper couches. Mini 9-hole putt putt and more.

Recent Activity

February 15

Lorenzo Samuels @Foundation Stones B&B and Self Catering posted the photos: 20160706_113845, 20160707_110036, 20160706_124026 (Foundation Stones)

8 years ago

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69 Main Road
Paarl Western Cape 7646
+27(0)62 363 3236